Fall turns into Winter

Hello friends! Can you believe it’s almost December? It seems like Fall just started, but we only have about a month left. Although, for me Christmas/Winter begins the day after Thanksgiving. I have no excuse for being so slack on here other than that life gets in the way sometimes, no matter our good intentions.Continue reading “Fall turns into Winter”

Summer Reads

Hey y’all! I thought I’d take a quick second to jump on here and update on my current reads! Currently I’m reading The Lost Night by Andrea Bartz, and I have almost finished it. The author was so nice to send me a copy to read and review, and I can confidently say I recommendContinue reading “Summer Reads”

A Review of One of Us Is Lying and Girl in the Blue Coat

These two audiobooks I listened to were absolutely amazing. Both of them get 5/5 stars, and it’s going to be hard to describe them. One of Us Is Lying reminded me so much of Pretty Little Liars. It was a web of developed characters that tied together perfectly in the end. Each character had aContinue reading “A Review of One of Us Is Lying and Girl in the Blue Coat”

Rediscovering Lois Duncan

I vividly remember being in middle school and hoarding every Lois Duncan book that came through our school’s library. She was my favorite writer and I inhaled her books in a way that I hadn’t from anyone else. When I was in my favorite secondhand book store recently, I found two Lois Duncan books thatContinue reading “Rediscovering Lois Duncan”

Audiobook Reviews: Sadie and Camino Island

Happy Friday! I’ve listened to two new audiobooks recently, and I wanted to go ahead and review them for y’all! Sadie by Courtney Summers is a great young adult fiction book. I chose to forego the traditional read of this, and instead I went with the audiobook version through the app Overdrive. I am soContinue reading “Audiobook Reviews: Sadie and Camino Island”

Smart Women- First Book Review of 2019

Good Morning! I finished my first book of 2019 on Saturday, and I wanted to go ahead and write this while it was fresh on my mind. Smart Women by Judy Blume was different from the only other adult appropriate book I have read by Judy Blume. Until I read, In the Unlikely Event (whichContinue reading “Smart Women- First Book Review of 2019”


Happy New Year y’all! I have made my “To Be Read List” for 2019, including the book I’m currently reading: Smart Women by Judy Blume. I’m planning to keep them next to my nightstand so that hopefully I can stay focused. I hope to finish these sixteen books well before the end of the year,Continue reading “NEW YEAR, NEW BOOKS”

Be a Friend of the Library!

Happy Saturday y’all! I am so excited, because yesterday I joined Friends of the Library here in Charleston. I have been wanting to for a while, but I finally did it yesterday at one of their book sales they hold each year at a local library. It was just $20 to join, and it goesContinue reading “Be a Friend of the Library!”


Until today, I had no idea about this, but today is apparently my five-year anniversary creating a blog with WordPress. So much has happened to me in five years, but the one thing that remains a constant is my love of writing. I created this blog one month before I graduated college. So, in theContinue reading “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!”

Finally October

I live in the South where the first day of October does not mean cold weather and beautiful rust and yellow leaves falling. It is normally not chilly even at night. If I were to cuddle in a blanket on my porch right now, I would be sweating and uncomfortable. But October is still myContinue reading “Finally October”