Rediscovering Lois Duncan

I vividly remember being in middle school and hoarding every Lois Duncan book that came through our school’s library. She was my favorite writer and I inhaled her books in a way that I hadn’t from anyone else. When I was in my favorite secondhand book store recently, I found two Lois Duncan books thatContinue reading “Rediscovering Lois Duncan”

The “Get to Know Me Tag”

Thank you so much GaillovesGod for nominating me to do this! I’m excited to share a little about myself with my followers 🙂 Below are questions & answers for all of the nominees  ❤ What are my strengths? I’m not easily intimidated. I don’t take no for an answer. I can talk to anyone about anything. WhatContinue reading “The “Get to Know Me Tag””

Share-It Saturday: 50 Hilarious Memes You’ll Relate To If You Love Books — Vampires, Crime and Angels…Eclectic Me

Reblogged from Buzzfeed ~ “There are two kinds of people: people who use bookmarks, and monsters.” Jarry Lee ~ BuzzFeed Deputy Books Editor ~ 1. Kayla Yandoli / BuzzFeed . 2. . 3. Cathy Ngo / BuzzFeed . 4. Kayla Yandoli / BuzzFeed . 5. Kayla Yandoli / BuzzFeed . 6. . 7.Continue reading “Share-It Saturday: 50 Hilarious Memes You’ll Relate To If You Love Books — Vampires, Crime and Angels…Eclectic Me”